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The Union County Volunteer Guardian Program (VGP) is currently doing business as the Union County Guardianship Services (UCGS) program. The VGP started as a response to the need for court appointed legal guardians for incompetent adults, who had no family or friends willing or able to become their guardians. The Court in the past had generally appointed a local attorney to become the guardian in these cases.

A rising concern about the increasing need for guardians brought members of the community together to discuss the possibility of a volunteer guardianship program. Visits with other counties to discuss their volunteer programs confirmed the decision to begin a program in Union County.

As the board entered its second year it was determined that the program in some cases wasn’t meeting the needs of the community. First there were situations where a volunteer wasn’t able to fill the need. So following the path set by other Ohio counties we added a staff guardian role, so that we could serve anyone who needed our services.

Secondly there were senior individuals who didn’t need a guardian but needed a friend to help them remain independent and in their home. As a result the Volunteer Friend program was created.

In addition to providing these services we are also a resource for information or questions about guardianship. One of the ways we do this is by visiting current wards and their guardians to provide assistance when needed. Please feel free to call us at any time.

Copyright © 2013 Union County Volunteer Guardian Program, Marysville, Ohio.